Life in Telluride

When im not drifting, im in telluride.

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Location: Telluride, Colorado, United States

I often live a nomadic life style, traveling around and stopping for favorable work and experiences. When I'm not on a vagabond trip, I'm in Telluride, my home.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Freedom Building

One block away from my studio is the freedom building. Its a dilapidaded remnent of the mining era that cant be torn down because of historic landmark codes, but wont be rebuilt becasuse of cost. On its boarded up windows and doors are quotes and muirals.
This is an old one but has even more signifigance now that the Center for Media and Democracy came out with its report 'Fake TV News: Widespread and Undisclosed'. In short, corparations pay PR companies to create and issue 'video news releases' or VRN's, for their corparations. The PR companies in turn sponser News stations when they play them on the air. So when you watch FOX's short news report on the motor indistury you wont know that it was bought and paid for by GM. The entities that are to inform us of socal injustice are becoming more and more thoes that produce socal injustice.
The small print at the bottem was drafted and passed by the city. It basicly proclaims that the local govenment has repeled the Patriot Act.
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Blogger Unknown said...

tell us some more

7:59 PM  

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